Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Time Has Come

The time has come to say goodbye. Jane's Trip is ending. It's been fun, sort of, LOL. There are many blogs I've enjoyed reading and thanks to everyone who stopped by and to those who participated. Best to you all!

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Gypsy

It's that time again. Time for me to move. I've had enough of living with an alcoholic, axe wielding tweaker and finally found someplace I can afford to move to.

This will be the third move in less than two years and as much as I usually like moving, I don't like being forced to move before I'm ready.

I've never stayed in one place very long. Longest time I ever lived in one place was for six years and that was when I was very small.

Somewhere in my ancestry there must have been some Gypsy blood, lol.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thank You Public Transit!

Unlike other folks in this city, I have a great appreciation and love for our public transit system. Barring New York it's one of the best in the country. And I am so grateful not to be driving anymore!

I have a very early work schedule these days. I leave for work at 4 AM and the bus is how I get there. Buses do not always run exactly on schedule, nor do human beings. My thanks to my morning bus driver who waits for me if I'm late, always has a smile, sometimes brings me his wife's homemade muffins and in general helps my day start off nicely.

Thank You Muni drivers for all you do for us and all that you put up with!

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Starving Artist

I'd forgotten what it was like to lose yourself in the creation process.

Yesterday, I gave myself a Mother's Day present. I started painting again. I haven't neglected my art completely, but I haven't touched brush to canvas in years. It was wonderful.

Working with a new medium brought new challenges, all of which I met with delight. I learned a great deal, and I'm looking forward to more exploration.

The only issue is that I disappear into the canvas for hours; hence the title of this post, LOL.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Taking Inventory

I'm moving again. Don't know where but it will be soon.

It’s odd what we keep in our lives. I’ve been looking around my room, taking inventory I guess. It seems as if I’ve been cleaning things out for the last two years. First downsizing 20 years of living and a five bedroom home to something I could move across country and fit into a small apartment. Then a couple of months after I moved in here, I tossed tons of keepsakes, pictures, journals and books. I still have too much crap, lol. Yet as I go through it, I find it hard to get rid of these last few things. It’s silly really, since the memories they supposedly hold are really only in my mind.

Why, then, is it so hard to throw away a seashell I found when I was three, or give a book to someone who hasn’t read it yet? Why keep a box of photographs of people who aren’t around anymore but will always live in my heart? Each item special, unique, irreplaceable and yet unnecessary.

Silly creatures, aren’t we?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Perils of Internet Dating

Names have been changed to protect the innocent!

The problem with internet dating is that you end up with a lot of email contacts who share the same first name.

One of the guys I’m dating is named 'Bob'. He happens to share this name with another guy I went out with in February but have no desire to ever see again.

'Bob' and I have had trouble getting together recently due to incompatible schedules. So late last night we’re sending naughty text messages back and forth when he asks me to send him a picture of what I’m doing. I tell him I can’t from the phone but will send an email. He can’t check email til morning so he’ll have to anticipate.

I got home this afternoon and checked email. Then I freaked. I sent them to the wrong 'Bob'. And I’ve got seven replies in my inbox from the wrong one! lol

Monday, March 26, 2007